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Visit our Restaurant

Restaurant "Rajački Konak" is a hidden pearl on top of a beautiful mountain. Located in the middle of untouched nature, this restaurant offers not only an outstanding view of the mountain peaks, but also an authentic Serbian gastronomic experience.

Visit us and Enjoy

A self-service breakfast is available to all our guests every day.


Ćevapi na kajmaku

1100 rsd
Porcija ćevapa služena na kajmaku i kao priliog je krompir

Dimljena Vešalica

900 rsd
Dimljena Vešalica služena sa krompirom kao prilog

Domaća kobasica

850 rsd
Domaća kobasica sluzena sa krompirom kao prilog

Organizing celebrations

Organizovanje svadbi

You can organize weddings in our restaurant.

Organization of birthdays

Want to celebrate your birthday? We are at your disposal

Organization of celebrations

We are at your disposal for any type of celebration.